Château de Ravel
Historic site and monument

Château de Ravel

Partage :

This impressive middle-age fortress with its dungeon and its towers, was embel- lished at the end of the 18th century by admiral d’Estaing and whose naval memorabilia you can admire.

This impressive middle-age fortress with its dungeon and its towers, was embellished at the end of the 18th century
by admiral d’Estaing and whose naval memorabilia you can admire.

Informations complémentaires
Type de clientèle :
Services :
Guided tours
Équipements :
Public WC

Moyen de paiements : Check, Cash

Full price: 8 €

Child (5-12 years): 5 €.

Free entry for children < 5 years.


Closed temporarily.

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Mise à jour le 20/04/2024 Par Maison du Tourisme du Livradois-Forez
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